The Makerere University UVRI Centre of Excellence for Infection and Immunity Research and Training
Our vision is African institutions and African scientists leadingInfection and Immunity research which is relevant to Africa and which has atransformative impact on African Health.
Our goal is to realise this vision through a Centre of Excellence forInfection and Immunity research in Uganda.
Infectious diseases still represent a major health burden inAfrica. HIV, malaria and tuberculosis are still major killers. Neglectedinfectious diseases cause extensive illness and misery. Emergingand re-emerging infectious diseases threaten the fabric of society. Vaccines, improved diagnostics and improvedinterventions are greatly needed for most of these conditions. However, the transition to urban living andchanging lifestyles mean that exposure to infections is changing and theso-called non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such as cancer, diabetes, highblood pressure, stroke are becoming major concerns in our societies. There are important infection-NCD links: infections may be casual agents (as in somecancers) or may modulate immune responses and even protect against inflammatorydiseases (such as asthma). At the sametime, human genetic studies promise newinsights into immunobiology because genetic variability in Africa is so high,and pathogen genomics contributesunderstanding of biology and transmission. MUII-plus is interested in supporting research in these important areas.
MUII-plus funding opportunities are directed at two goals. First, to support training and careerdevelopment for potential and emerging African leaders in Infection andImmunity research. Second, to supportInfection and Immunity researchers at all levels in Uganda to undertakeworld-class research by providing grants which support collaborativeinitiatives and short-term technical and professional training.
Applications for funding through MUII-plus should propose research which(i) is based in Uganda, (ii) has a clear link to Makerere University or to theUganda Virus Research Institute and (iii) involves translational science,linking epidemiological or clinical studies to laboratory investigations, or tobioinformatics and computational analyses. African scientists of any nationality are welcome to apply but the workmust be based in Uganda.
Applications that promote collaborations between Makerere and UVRI, andwith other partners in Uganda, are encouraged, as are collaborations withworld-leading regional and international research partners. Potential applicants who would like help inidentifying suitable collaborations are encouraged to contact the secretariatthrough the Programme Manager for support.
Co-funding from a second source is encouraged where this is availableand will enhance the research or training opportunity.
The following are the current and planned grant calls for 2018. Candidates should submit their applicationsusing the forms provided on the website. Further enquiries may be directed to the Centre Manager, VictoriaBukirwa ( ) or CentreAdministrator, Moses Kizza (;
Fellowship Type | Objectives | Eligibility criteria | Whats included | Timeline & submission |
Publication date:
20th April 2018 Interviews for shortlisted candidates will be held in June 2018 |
How to apply for a MUII-plus Masters Fellowship! | Submit a completed application form (available on the website) by the 31st May 2018 deadline to Moses Kizza (MUII administrator):; and Victoria Bukirwa; Ask two referees also to send reference letters directly to Mr Kizza by the same date. |
Follow us on Twitter @MUIIPlus for early notifications of newopportunities and events!